FREE Guide

How to achieve your singing goals


New seasons bring new vision. I love this about life. πŸ’žπŸ˜


The new year is no exception…new starts, new goals…and also, I’m a mom, so creating goals to begin in the new year really takes the edge off the start of school because that is a G.R.I.N.D.



So if you want to get into singing either for the first time or in a while, you need to set a goal, my friend.


…a singing goal that is. Here’s how to make that happen. 


1.Take 10 minutes to sit down and make notes about what you’re missing in your singing.


…maybe it’s range, power, control. Or maybe your voice gets tired a lot, so you’re missing strength and stamina.


2.Write down how much you’re currently singing, even if it’s 10 minutes a week - write it down.


3.Then write down how much you could sing to start pursuing the things missing in your voice.


…perhaps you’re really busy at the start of the new year, so even if it’s singing 15 minutes three times a week - write it down.


  1. Put these times you’re committing to your voice on your calendar. Schedule whatever reminders you need (I use a paper calendar, so I write down literally everything.)


…I find that singers who start new singing goals at the new year should commit through February. That’s enough time to see/hear results.


Now as part of the time, you need a vocal warmup, which you can get here. If you don’t give your voice time to stretch and warmup, it’s going to perform for you in the ways you’re hoping. So just get the warmup, it takes less than 15 minutes to warmup your voice. 


Aaaannnd, if that’s all the time you have in a day to sing, vocal exercises are a fantastic use of time. I promise you.


Once you’re warmed up, SING


Sing the styles that bring you joy, challenge you, and fill your heart with a love of singing.


These small steps into singing more often and for longer stretches of time will help you pursue the singing you love.


To your singing!

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